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Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave Therapy

Is your dog or cat in pain, or having trouble with mobility? Sea Legs Integrative Veterinary Health now offers PulseVet shockwave therapy as a way to manage pain, resolve lameness, and speed up the body’s own healing process. This therapy uses high-energy sound waves that penetrate through soft tissue at customized depths to heal. Energy released by the sound waves travels through the soft tissue to the affected area. This process stimulates cells and releases healing growth factors that reduce inflammation, increase blood flow, accelerate bone formation, improve healing in tendon and ligament injuries, and enhance wound healing.


Shockwave therapy may be used in conjunction with, or as an alternative to, surgery, anti-
inflammatory medications, or as part of a rehab program. This is a safe and non-invasive treatment for pain that does not risk harming your pet. Contact Sea Legs Integrative Veterinary Health to find out more and schedule an appointment today.

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